Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Randomness Part 1

I intended to start this blog at the first of 2011 as part of my resolution, but much like my other resolutions I have not attempted to keep it in the forefront of my long "to-do" lists that keep being created in my head.
So as my first EVER blog I thought I would start out nice and easy, keep it fresh and real too.
I am almost done battling my major sinus bacteria that seems to have conquered every area of my head, so I really have an excuse to keep it light and not so snotty for the first time (pun intended).

As I have been "fortunate" enough to stay inside during one of the coldest days of the entire universe here in Nebraska, I of course have come up with some quandaries that I would love to share with my audience of one. 
1.  Is it just me, or is it funny EVERY time a puppy tries to jump on the couch and still does not make it up?
2. Why do men expect a blue ribbon and a editorial in the newspaper when they cook dinner for a family of three?  I got the "Well, when I got a shot in the back, I still cleaned and cooked dinner for my family"  I had to stifle a laugh and a punch to his throat.  So, hubby 2 points, wife 56, 753, 213 points.

 I do have a great family but on here I am writing as if I were unknown as well as my audience of one.  I want to use this as an escape, a viral diary and this is what I need to release all my thoughts and ideas.  I hope you will read this with an open heart as I write with one.  Some of my blogs may or may not strike a chord in you but I hope you can find some similarities in your life as in mine.  Welcome to Putting the FUN in Dysfunction! 

1 comment:

  1. Brooke. Even though you have some run-on-sentences here, this is a great start to your blog. Terrific ideas and wonderful word choice. Please be more conscious of your sentence construction. Nice work. I look forward to reading more. B- ;)Jess
